Borders and Empires

Borders and Empires

Space: thinking of space as temporal, space is not fixed and is constantly changing, it might be worth explore how time operates within space, space as time forces us to question the context of space.…

W12: Postcolonial Computing

  1. Since Dourish introduced design and OLPC into the conversation, I think it might be interested to consider Negroponte’s most recent experiment, “What happens if you give a thousand Motorola Zoom tablet PCs

Colonialism, Empire, and Networks

Colonialism, Empire, and Networks

1. I am interested in interrogating the reason behind Dourish’s characterization of specfically post-colonial computing. While I do not wish to suggest that each and every nation-state that has been colonized must remain so to…

Linguistics and Borders

Linguistics and Borders

Throughout the readings there were two points that I want to discuss; this idea of language as one, and dichotomies of us vs. them mentality. In Post Colonial Computing I liked this idea of breaking…

Postcolonial and empire

Postcolonial and empire

1. I’m still trying to “digest” Mezzadra and Neilson’s proposal of the theory of multiplication of labor. I would dare to say that it is not only a reevaluation of Marxist theory (it there’s such

Book Review- Networked: The New Social Operating System

Book Review- Networked: The New Social Operating System

Rainie, Lee and Barry Wellman. Networked: The New Social Operating System. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2012.

It is often too easy to glance around the daily trappings of our lives and begin to feel…

Teletechnologies, Place, and Community

Teletechnologies, Place, and Community

Wilken, Rowan. Teletechnologies, Place, and Community. New York: Routledge, 2011.

            Rowan Wilken’s 2011 Teletechnologies, Place, and Community explores the contradictory and shifting ways in which notions of place and community get taken up…

Weekly Post 12

Weekly Post 12

1: This might be a bit tangential, but in the preface Hardt and Negri mention the Soviet “barriers” to the flow of capital. While that may have been true in Russia for a time, I…

Spatial Stories and Simulacra

Spatial Stories and Simulacra


Space: that which we create in and around us by virtue of our embodied social practices or relationships with other bodies (including objects).

Place: those specific spaces or locations to which we are affectively…

Week 11

Week 11

Unfortunately, I’m operating through a haze of nausea, but I’m going to take a whack at some of what I thought were connections between the readings and my own work. Apologies for lateness and/or a…

White People Mourning Romney

White People Mourning Romney

I am really captivated by the idea of death in Baudrillard’s piece. The real does not produce itself because never had an origin. Instead the real is an idea that circles around certain models that…

Space and the City

Space and the City

How did the globalization process differ prior to the digital age? How might it change in the future? Will cities play the same role as proximity becomes less essential to doing the actual work of…

making the city

making the city

1) According to Sassen, the inhabitants of a city can be equated with the space of a city, as business and global connectivity increasingly glocalizes these areas (50).  She also discusses the looming possibility of…



Space: is imaginary. What we have come to understand as space is based on the stories we create around space. This adds tom understandings of space as contested. In order to lay claim to a…

W11 – Living Just Enough For the City

  1. What I find most fascinating about this week is thinking through how the three texts connect. de Certeau and Sassen have some obvious connections, but Sassen and Baudrillard do not seem to obviously interface.