Performance in the Blockades of Neoliberalism

Performance in the Blockades of Neoliberalism

Performance in the Blockades of Neoliberalism: Thinking the Political Anew. By Maurya Wickstrom. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Performance in the Blockades of Neoliberalism: Thinking the Political Anew presents a series of case studies illustrating…



I remember in a previous reading the idea that surveillance (on campus) is as much about protection of property as it is about discipline or control, which lead me to think about whether all surveillance…

week 6: surveillance

week 6: surveillance

Thinking about the panopticon and notions of constant surveillance (and thinking in the context of today rather than Foucault’s 18th C. example) I wonder what is happening in the spaces when we forget we are

Panopticon, Rodney, and MySpace

Panopticon, Rodney, and MySpace

Can Racism also pervade black perception of the Rodney King event? Black class paranoia or suburban Black spatialized paranoia over urban infiltration that is also coded as violence and crime? Where “normal” Black individuals identity…

Panoptic Spaces

Panoptic Spaces

Panoptic Spaces

Space: In the previous weeks I have thought about space mostly for its physicality. During this weeks reading on social networking and the article by Judith Butler I would like to add that…

Surveillance, Cyberspace and the Panoptican

Surveillance, Cyberspace and the Panoptican

1. Each of these articles point to the ways in which the visual and ways of seeing are linked to surveillance and to the functioning of power and discipline.  Not only does being seen and…

Participatory Panopticism

Participatory Panopticism


Space: that which we create in and around us by virtue of our bodily presence, by virtue of our relationships with other bodies (including objects), and by virtue of practices of representation (digital or…

W6: Surveillance and the Social

  1. As social network and data-sharing sites such as Facebook increasingly rely on users reporting behavior to the company, the company itself intervenes to direct the social, interpersonal conflict (see Facebook’s flowchart for abuse

Panoptic Spaces

Panoptic Spaces

1)   When discussing constant visibility created by the Panopticon, Foucault says that, “Visibility is a trap” (200). He continues later to assert that a person knowingly “subjected to a field of visibility…becomes the principle of…

Object(ivity) and participatory surveillance

Object(ivity) and participatory surveillance

1. With the introduction (and the development) of instruments to capture reality in action (photography, video, sound recording), the way we ‘observe’ or ‘perceive’ our practices in the world seem to constantly change. Butler (1993)…

Surveillance, Access, and Bodies

Surveillance, Access, and Bodies

1. Drawing on danah boyd, Albrechtslund argues that “[e]ven though people obviously communicate online with a specific audience in mind, e.g.  their friends, the public nature of online social networking makes the information available to…

Panopticism and Perception

Panopticism and Perception

Butler starts by saying that bodies, although vulnerable, can be seen as aggressors – using the case of Rodney King and the jury reading his body as threatening, even though he was the one being…

Week 6 Questions

Week 6 Questions

1: I would like to begin by saying that I see the Panopticon as being potentially an analogy for the web of digital information which ensnares virtually every action we take, particularly through its demonstrated…

Representational Power

Representational Power


Space: that which we create in and around us by virtue of our bodily presence, by virtue of our relationships with other bodies (including objects), and by virtue of practices of representation (digital or…

Making Meaning Out of Power & Secret Spaces/Places

Making Meaning Out of Power & Secret Spaces/Places

Making Meaning Out of Power & Secret Spaces/Places

1)    While reading this week’s articles I kept thinking about how much mapping a landscape relies on a person’s connection to a space/place and how his or…