08th Nov2012

W11 – Living Just Enough For the City

by averydame
  1. What I find most fascinating about this week is thinking through how the three texts connect. de Certeau and Sassen have some obvious connections, but Sassen and Baudrillard do not seem to obviously interface. If, as  de Certeau asserts, the panorama-city is already a simulacrum (93), would the process of urbanization Sassen discusses be considered the further perpetuation of a hyperreality?
  2. Baudrillard spends a chunk of the first chapter on how psychology produces subjects who act as simulacrums of individuals, not containers of truth. Drawing from de Certeau, could the city also produce subjects who act as simulacrums of a disciplined city “citizen”?
  3. We’ve talked a lot about understanding boundaries of space online. How are our previous discussions shifted by de Certeau’s argument that narratives are the boundary setters in space?

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