08th Nov2012


by tatianabenjamin

Space: is imaginary. What we have come to understand as space is based on the stories we create around space. This adds tom understandings of space as contested. In order to lay claim to a space we must first create our story or use of that space.

I had a lot of questions regarding the Baudrillard text because I don’t think I have a good understanding of what he is saying. Is he arguing that everything that we have come to understand as “real” is only a part of our imaginary? It seems as if nothing can be considered “real” because all we have ever known is the representation of a particular object?

In terms of Baudrillard, how are we to understand myth making and the simulacra? What lines can we draw between myth and reality? Here I was thinking about ideas of nation and boundary. If what we know about a space is based on myth then how does this change our perception of nation crossing?

Other questions I had regarding the Baudrillard text are, Does simulacra have a referential? Does it represent itself and not anything that we have ever seen before?

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