Practices of Representation: Mapping and Pervasive Computing

Practices of Representation: Mapping and Pervasive Computing

Questions for Week 4 – Practices of Representation: Mapping and Pervasive Computing

Does it matter that certain local identities can be both microenvironments and have global span if the individual isn’t aware of their role…

Mapping & Pervasive Computing

Mapping & Pervasive Computing

Mapping & Pervasive Computing

 When I consider Sassen’s argument that, “Global cities become a sort of new frontier zone where an enormous mix of people converge and new forms of politics are possible. Those who…

Maps and Knowledge

Maps and Knowledge

1) In reading about the creation of the community maps I was thinking not only about the production of space, but also the production of knowledge.   In this article we see that one’s experience,…

Practices of Representation

Practices of Representation

  1. While mapmaking is a tool that can be used to exert power, it is a tool that requires some knowledge and skill to be effective. How does community mapmaking (involving people who are not

More about maps

More about maps

1. Agency is one of the “concepts” that has called my attention in some of the readings this and last week. Although I don’t really dare to provide an explanation of what this concept means,…

Maps and Pervasive Computing (but mostly maps)

Maps and Pervasive Computing (but mostly maps)

1. In Dr. Farman’s book, he writes “I knew the map was representing my location incorrectly. I also knew the name of the nearest intersection. But, I had no idea where I was! Though I…

Maps of Material Desires

Maps of Material Desires

Sletto defines places as “existing only in someone’s imagination also are constitutive of landscapes and contribute to forming personal biographies (444).” The people who inhabit this space perform the identity of this space – they…

Weekly Post 4

Weekly Post 4

1: With regards to the Sassen reading, I’m wondering just how much digitization and globalization have changed this “citcuit-based” means of analyzing the mapping the movement of people, economic goods, culture, and other factors between…

Handout on Thrift’s Non-Representational Theory

Here is the link for Felix’s handout on Nigel Thrift’s Non-Representational Theory.

Embodiment, Identiy, and Space

Embodiment, Identiy, and Space

1. Indeed one toils with the incommensurability of relying on the predictable yet powerful refrain: “but you don’t know how it feels to be black.” This statement points to that essence, that Thing, that makes…

The Production of Space

The Production of Space

  1. Can we read space as The Sign. What would be its signified and signifier? Can we say that the social would be the signified and the material the signifier? Understanding that the signifier always

Embodiment, Identity, and Space

Embodiment, Identity, and Space

Space: Last week I discussed space as freedom to move. It is always in direction relationship to place. After this weeks readings I want  to add that space as movement is always in direction relation to…

Week Three Response: Embodiment, Identity, and Space

Week Three Response: Embodiment, Identity, and Space

1. What is meant by embodiment when we are talking about digital space? Where does the embodiment occur? Is it located in the actual physical body, in the digital space, or somewhere else?

2. It…

Embodiment, Mobility, Temporality


Space: that which we create in and around us by virtue of our bodily presence, and by virtue of our relationship with other bodies (including objects).

Place: those specific spaces to which we are…

Week 3 post: Farman and Thrift

Week 3 post: Farman and Thrift

1) Now this question may seem a bit tangential, but it is sitting at the back of my mind, so why not? Farman states that “our bodies, our spaces, and our technologies are all