15th Nov2012

Borders and Empires

by tatianabenjamin

Space: thinking of space as temporal, space is not fixed and is constantly changing, it might be worth explore how time operates within space, space as time forces us to question the context of space.


1.  I was intrigued by Mezzadra and Nielson’s discussion of borders in relation to transnationalism. I began to think about transnational immigrant deportee bodies, labor, and border crossing. With their reconceptualization of the border it may be possible that deportees can be seen as a project of labor and commodity. If the border is a site of multiplicity then I wonder how deportees operate within the informal economy? Mezzadra and Nielson also forced me to question my use of flow begins to be a monolithic and one directional. This becomes important for my own work because it forces e to account for both the sending and receive country as well as the intersections that transnational subject reside.

2. Reading Dourish’s Postcolonial Computing reminded me of last week’s discussion around strategies and tactics. I think it is interesting that tactics are not only subversive but also serve the purpose being flexible and unstable. In other tactics allow for multiple narratives. Is it possible to see the concept of the transnational subject as a tactic? What kind of narratives and be extracted from the lived experience of transnational bodies?

3. Hadrt, Michael, and Negri’s discussion of empire is a strong analysis for the present. However I wonder about empire and its relationship to bodies. They argue for empire transgressing boundaries; how would empire impact our discussion of bodies as transnational or boundless?

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