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Book Manuscript
Books Edited
Books: Contributing Author
Applied Media Studies: Theory and Practice . Ed. Kirsten Ostherr. Co-authors: Tara McPherson, Anne Balsamo, Lisa Parks, Heidi Rae Cooley, Elizabeth Losh, Lindsay Graham, Daniel Grinberg, Lindsay Palmer, Bo Reimer, and Patrick Vonderau. New York: Routledge Press, 2017.
Journal Articles
Parisi, David and Jason Farman, “The Time of Touch: Efficiency and Delay in Haptic Communication.” Convergence 25.1 (2019): 40-59.
“Invisible and Instantaneous: Geographies of Media Infrastructure from Pneumatic Tubes to Fiber Optics.” Media Theory , 2, no. 1 (2018): 134-154.
“Repair and Software: Updates, Obsolescence, and Mobile Culture’s Operating Systems.” Continent , 6.1 (2017): 20-24.
“Surveillance from the Middle: On Interception, Infrastructure, and the Material Flows of Asynchronous Communication.” Media Fields , 11.1 (2016): 1-10.
“Objects as Audience: Phenomenologies of Vibrant Materiality in Locative Art.” Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 21, no. 1 (2016): 196-209.
“Stories, Spaces, and Bodies: The Production of Embodied Space Through Mobile Media Storytelling.” Communication Research and Practice, June 2015.
“Infrastructures of Mobile Social Media.” Social Media + Society 1.1 (2015).
“Creative Misuse as Resistance: Surveillance, Mobile Technologies, and Locative Games,” Surveillance & Society 12.3 (2014): 377-388. Special issue on Surveillance and Games.
“StoryMarker: The Design of a Storytelling Platform for Mobile Phones.” The New Everyday . Special issue, “Rough Cuts: Media and Design in Process.” Ed. Kari Kraus (2012):
“Introduction to the Social Transformations from the Mobile Internet Special Issue.” Future Internet 4.2 (2012), 545-550.
“Mobile Media Performances as Asynchronous Embodiment.” International Journal of Screendance 2.1 (2012), 48-51.
“Mapping the Digital Empire: Google Earth and the Process of Postmodern Cartography.” New Media & Society 12.6 (2010), 869-888.
“Hypermediating the Game Interface: The Alienation Effect in Violent Videogames and the Problem of Serious Play.” Communication Quarterly 58.1 (2010), 96-109.
“Surveillance Spectacles: The Big Art Group’s Flicker and the Screened Body in Performance.” Contemporary Theatre Review 19.2 (2009), 181-194.
“Navigation Simulation: Gaming Across the Topology of the Screen.” Extensions: The Online Journal of Embodiment and Technology 3.1 (2007).
Book Chapters
“Mobile Media Stories and the Process of Designing Contested Landscapes.” Networked Self and Platforms, Stories, Connections . Ed. Zizi Papacharissi. New York: Routledge, 2018, 188-202.
“When Geolocation Meets Visualization.” Augmented Reality: Innovative Perspectives across Art, Industry, and Academia. Eds. Sean Morey and John Tinnell. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2017.\
“Location-based media.” Dialogues on Mobile Communication . Ed. Adriana de Souza e Silva. New York: Routeldge, 2016, 139-155.
“The Materiality of Locative Media: On the Invisible Infrastructure of Mobile Networks.” Theories of the Mobile Internet: Materialities and Imaginaries . Ed. Andrew Herman. New York: Routledge, 2015.
“Map Interfaces and the Production of Locative Media Spaces.” Locative Media . Ed. Rowan Wilken and Gerard Goggin. New York: Routledge, 2014.
“Storytelling and Locative Media: Exploring the Intersection of Site-Specificity, Content, and Materiality.” Routledge Companion to Mobile Media. Ed. Gerard Goggin and Larissa Hjorth. New York: Routledge, 2014.
“Locative Media.” The Handbook of Mobilities . Ed. Mimi Sheller, Peter Adey, David Bissell, Kevin Hannam, and Peter Merriman. New York: Routledge, 2014.
“Site-specificity, Pervasive Computing, and the Reading Interface.” The Mobile Story: Narrative Practices with Locative Technologies . Ed. Jason Farman. New York: Routledge, 2013.
“Historicizing Mobile Media: Locating Transformations in Embodied Space.” The Mobile Media Reader. Ed. Noah Arceneaux and Anandam Kavoori. New York: Peter Lang, 2012.
“Information Cartography: Visualizations of Internet Spatiality and Information Flows.” Composing (Media) = Composing (Embodiment). Ed. Kristin L. Arola and Anne Frances Wysocki. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2012.
“Mapping the Digital Empire: Google Earth and the Process of Postmodern Cartography.” The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice ad Cartographic Representation. Ed. Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin, and Chris Perkins. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. (Republished from New Media & Society )
“Gertrude Stein in QuickTime: Documenting Performance in the Digital Age.” Complex Worlds: Digital Culture, Rhetoric, and Professional Communication. Eds. A. P. Lamberti and Anne R. Richards. Amityville, NY: Baywood, 2010.
“The Virtual Artaud: Computer Virus as Performance Art.” TechKnowledgies: New Imaginaries in the Humanities, Arts, and TechnoSciences. Edited by Mary Valentis. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007.
Conference Proceedings:
Encyclopedia Entries:
Book Reviews
“Pervasive Games: Theory and Design.” Book Review of Pervasive Games. Eds. Markus Montola, Jaakko Sternos, and Annika Waern (Burrlington, Mass.: Morgan Kaufmann, 2009) in Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds, 2.3 (2010).
“Digital Performance.” Book review of Digital Performance by Steve Dixon. (Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press) in Contemporary Theatre Review 17.4 (November 2007), 583-585.
“Upstaged: Making Theatre in the Media Age.” Book review of Weber, Anne Nicholson. Upstaged: Making Theatre in the Media Age. (New York: Theatre Arts Books, 2005) in TDR: The Drama Review, 51.4 (Winter 2007), 177-178.
“Intermediality in Theatre and Performance.” Book review of Intermediality in Theatre and Performance. Eds. Freda Chapple and Chiel Kattenbelt.. (Amsterdam: Rodolpi Press, 2006) in Theatre Journal, 59.2 (May 2007), 329-330.
“Virtual Theaters.” Book review of Giannachi, Gabriella. Virtual Theaters: An Introduction. (New York: Routledge, 2004) in Theatre Journal. 58:1 (May 2006), 364-365.
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